Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Globalization Pros and Cons

Last week in class we watched a couple of videos on globalization. It discussed both advantages and disadvantages that globalization brought to our world. I believe that globalization affects the world more positively than it does negatively. Globalization brings countries together and connects us in a variety of different ways, whether that may be through trade, marketing, technology, or any other matter.

Globalization influences trade in a positive manner because as countries across the world become more developed, they can process more goods and services to offer during trade. With more products being made and produced every day, countries can now trade as efficiently as anytime in previous years. Globalization is also leading to new ideas, therefore creating newer and more efficient products for trade.

Globalization helps out our world markets and economy in everyday situations. Globalization creates for more efficient markets. Because we buy so many products from other countries that make them cheaper, we can sell them at a lower price than if we were to make the product ourselves. Lower prices lead to an increase in demand, therefore helping out the economy. With many countries producing more products it also increases competition between markets. Competition causes companies to make more products as well as continuing to try to improve on their products. More products being created often leads to lower prices, which helps out the everyday consumer and the economy as well.

Perhaps the biggest part of globalization has come with technology. Technology has provided easier and faster ways of buying and selling products, communicating, and has also brought countries together across the world. With technology becoming more and more advanced, it allows people and businesses to produce products more efficiently than at any previous time. New technology and ideas being created has played a major part in the globalization process.

It is often argued whether globalization affects the world in a positive or negative way. However, at this point I think it helps us out in a good manner. If we continue to globalize, I think it will keep improving our world and continue to connect the people in a variety of ways.