Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Migration and Globalization

                We recently watched the film “God Grew Tired of Us.” This movie suggests that there are two types of migration. The first type would be migration by choice, just for a new lifestyle. The second type of migration is often forced or caused by push-pull factors. Migration is connected to globalization in that with migration, people from different parts of the world can interact through ideas, job markets, cultures, and ways of life.

                Migration affects the economy in positive and negative ways for both countries bringing in immigrants and countries sending people away. By opening up borders for people migrating, countries bringing in people must provide temporary work programs to help with skill shortages. This, however, could decrease domestic wages. It also allows for immigrants to work low paying jobs that many people don’t want to work. For sending countries it is beneficial because remittances are often sent back to migrators family’s in their home country. For example, in the film we watched, some of the boys sent money back to the village that they had previously lived in before migrating to the United States. Overall migration affects the economy more positively because it provides for jobs for minorities, and helps to provide workers for work shortages in certain fields.

                Migration affects culture by bringing new ideas and practices along with the immigrants to countries. Due to migration, cultures of different people or countries are often being mixed. Many people often migrate to countries such as the United States, Argentina, and Brazil, because the citizenship in these countries isn’t based on ethnic backgrounds. Therefore, culture in certain countries is a much more broad range of ideas than it is in others.

                Push and pull factors are a big part of migration. Push factors are the reasons that migrants are pushed out of their home country, whereas pull factors are the reasons people migrate or end up in a certain country. Push factors in the film we watched would include the civil war taking place, and a poor lifestyle. Bad conditions were the main reason that the lost boys were sent to America to start new lives. Pull factors for the boys would include the opportunities to get a job, have freedom, and live a much more positive lifestyle. Push-pull factors play a huge role in people immigrating to change their lifestyle for the better.

                Migration is often predicted to cause problems in the future. With more people migrating, there are better chances that diseases may spread, there will not be enough jobs to provide for everyone, and some countries or areas may overpopulate. With problems of mass migration already occurring in certain countries, new problems will soon arise such as illegal immigration. However, if we control migration to a certain point, countries should be able to overcome a few of these problems.

                Migration is a huge part of our world today, and will continue to be for years to come. Globalization links to migration by connecting people, new ideas, cultures, and ways of life. If migration continues at a steady pace, globalization will continue as well.