Monday, March 16, 2015

Rorschach Inkblot Test

                I thought that the inkblot test that we did was very interesting in many different aspects. It was interesting to see how I personally answered and how others answered to different images. Everyone interprets things differently, and it was cool to see how other people saw the images differently that what I did. On most of the images my responses were normal, however, on a few I had answers that no one else had seen on their own. I don’t think that all of the answers that the sight gave are the only right answers. Just because you see something different than what others see doesn’t necessarily mean you’re schizophrenic or paranoid. On the other hand, seeing certain images may suggest the fact that someone is schizophrenic or paranoid, however, not in all cases.

                I think that these tests could be very helpful for psychologists that are trying to help out a patient. Often the patient might see something based off of what they are experiencing in their life or what is going on around them. For example if the patient is going through tough times, they may see more horrifying or negative images. For the majority of the time, I think that these tests would give a pretty accurate representation of how a person is feeling or thinking.