Monday, January 5, 2015

Psychology Blog 1

What is your favorite word?

  • Basketball

 What is your least favorite word?

  • K

 What one thing do you like about your life?

  • Family and friends

 What one thing do you not like about your life?

  • Having to travel to buy groceries / necessities

 What profession would you like to attempt?

  • Banking

 What profession would you never attempt?

  • Science

 What 3 words describe you?

  • Tall, Quiet, Motivated


I am looking forward to learning about psychology and how people’s minds, emotions, and behaviors work. Obviously different people have different beliefs on certain subjects. I am curious to learn how and why certain people behaviors and actions differ from others. I would like to gain the knowledge of what effects people’s beliefs, whether it may be how they grow up, where they live, or who they live with. The human mind and human emotions differ greatly throughout different people. I think it will be very interesting to learn what causes these differences in individuals. I am also look forward to gaining information on specific behaviors and emotions of people of all different age groups.

                I think having you as the teacher to this class will be very beneficial because you can give us different views from different perspectives. I also think that you are very knowledgeable about this type of subject and will provide us with good information about the topic. I believe that your approach to teaching methods will help us to learn more about people’s minds and emotions more effectively. I am looking forward to taking this class and learning about the different types of human behavior.

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