Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ebola Research Response

                We recently did a group project about the study of the recent outbreak of Ebola. This is a very dangerous disease and continues to spread throughout countries, especially Africa. By reading more about Ebola, I learned many new things that I did not previously know about the disease.

                The recent Ebola outbreak has been the deadliest Ebola outbreak since the disease was first discovered in 1976. The disease is said to be carried by mainly fruit bats. It is thought that people may have first gotten the disease from coming into contact with the animals. Although the disease has spread throughout many countries, there is not a known cure to stop the spreading.

                The Ebola disease has never been in this many countries before. It is said to have effected anywhere from five to ten thousand people worldwide, and over half of the cases have been fatal. Ebola is not currently airborne, and is only contagious through body fluids. However, if Ebola does become airborne, the number of cases will increase majorly.

                Ebola patients are carefully taken care of by medical professionals who also take great precautions in treating patients. However, the disease continues to spread throughout countries and into new ones. Researchers are still trying to find cures to the disease to prevent the disease from further occurring.




Globalization and Global Health

The recent study with did with Ebola led to the question of how globalization relates to global health. As our world becomes more globalized and connected, it is easier for things to spread whether that is technology, ideas, cultures, or in some cases, disease.

Countries and people interact in many different ways in today’s society. With immigration and traveling from country to country, diseases are likely to spread. A disease such as Ebola that starts in one country can quickly spread throughout other countries due to globalization. As the world becomes more globalized and countries continue to interact, the spread of disease will continue to pose a problem.

The future of our environment and expanding population could both benefit and hurt global health. If we maintain our environment and don’t damage it, it could lead to healthier living conditions thus preventing some diseases such as Ebola. The expanding population, however, could cause disease to be spread more easily if we are not careful. Technology in the future will probably become more advanced which will allow countries to find cures and vaccines to protect against harmful diseases that we cannot prevent from occurring today.

Globalization and global health are very closely related. With globalization become greater and greater each day, it leaves people and countries vulnerable to sickness and diseases. However, if we are careful and take precaution, there is a good chance that global health will maintain a steady level.

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