Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ebola Research Response

                We recently did a group project about the study of the recent outbreak of Ebola. This is a very dangerous disease and continues to spread throughout countries, especially Africa. By reading more about Ebola, I learned many new things that I did not previously know about the disease.

                The recent Ebola outbreak has been the deadliest Ebola outbreak since the disease was first discovered in 1976. The disease is said to be carried by mainly fruit bats. It is thought that people may have first gotten the disease from coming into contact with the animals. Although the disease has spread throughout many countries, there is not a known cure to stop the spreading.

                The Ebola disease has never been in this many countries before. It is said to have effected anywhere from five to ten thousand people worldwide, and over half of the cases have been fatal. Ebola is not currently airborne, and is only contagious through body fluids. However, if Ebola does become airborne, the number of cases will increase majorly.

                Ebola patients are carefully taken care of by medical professionals who also take great precautions in treating patients. However, the disease continues to spread throughout countries and into new ones. Researchers are still trying to find cures to the disease to prevent the disease from further occurring.




Globalization and Global Health

The recent study with did with Ebola led to the question of how globalization relates to global health. As our world becomes more globalized and connected, it is easier for things to spread whether that is technology, ideas, cultures, or in some cases, disease.

Countries and people interact in many different ways in today’s society. With immigration and traveling from country to country, diseases are likely to spread. A disease such as Ebola that starts in one country can quickly spread throughout other countries due to globalization. As the world becomes more globalized and countries continue to interact, the spread of disease will continue to pose a problem.

The future of our environment and expanding population could both benefit and hurt global health. If we maintain our environment and don’t damage it, it could lead to healthier living conditions thus preventing some diseases such as Ebola. The expanding population, however, could cause disease to be spread more easily if we are not careful. Technology in the future will probably become more advanced which will allow countries to find cures and vaccines to protect against harmful diseases that we cannot prevent from occurring today.

Globalization and global health are very closely related. With globalization become greater and greater each day, it leaves people and countries vulnerable to sickness and diseases. However, if we are careful and take precaution, there is a good chance that global health will maintain a steady level.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

10 Standouts of the Graphs

  1. The average contribution of health to house for the Republican members of Congress in 2014 was $170,000. This exceeded the democrat’s average by about $40,000.
  2. Health professionals contributed $260.4 million to federal candidates during the 2012 election process.
  3. Cooperative of American Physicians donated over 2.1 million dollars in 2013-2014.
  4. Republicans received nearly 23 million dollars more than democrats in 2012; however in previous years the democrats received more.
  5. The top senator recipient (Mitch McConnell) received nearly $1.3 million.
  6. In 2009, $555.3 million was spent by lobbying.
  7. Average contribution of health to senate for the Democrat members of Congress in 2008 was nearly $792,000; however the Republican members of Congress average contribution was only about $418,000.
  8. In 2008 and 2012, contributions from individuals were double the amount received from either PAC’s or outside money.
  9. In 2013 and 2014, Republicans received most of the money contributed by the top contributors.
  10. Lobbying totals went up every year from 1998-2009 and have slowly declined since.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Response to Sicko

                We recently watched the documentary “Sicko” in class. This film discusses health care systems and how they are managed across the world. The film also raises the question of what the ideal health care system is.

                Many countries across the world (including Britain, Cuba, and Canada) have a free health care system. All people in these systems receive treatment and cannot be turned health care treatment for any reason. This type of healthcare system is very beneficial to both the people and the country. People can receive medicine, medical equipment, and medical treatment for little and often no cost at all in free healthcare systems.

In the United States, however, our healthcare system is not free, and comes only at a high price. Not all people can receive treatment in our healthcare system for reasons such as they have a history of diseases, are too fat or skinny, or can’t afford it. I personally believe that this is wrong. No person should be denied medical treatment for any of these reasons. I think that our country should have a free healthcare system. Free health care has shown to be beneficial to other countries and people, so why shouldn’t we use the same system?

                Healthcare systems vary across the world. However, many systems have similarities and common methods. I think that a free healthcare system should be provided in the United States. Everyone should receive medical treatment if needed, and should not have to pay huge sums of money to receive treatment.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Human Trafficking

                We recently watched the film “Human Trafficking” along with some other shorts videos concerning trafficking. Human trafficking is the second most popular crime industry behind only illegal drugs. As human trafficking continues to become a bigger problem, more efforts need to be done to stop it.

                There is an estimated 20 to 30 million slaves in the world today. So why today in a society that we have so many freedoms are there more slaves in the world than ever before? Human trafficking is a huge business that brings in great money for anyone that can run one. Human trafficking is estimated to bring in about 30 billion dollars annually. Although there is a lot of trafficking taking place around the world, it is hard to stop these businesses because there is so many of them, and they have connections throughout the world.

                The films we watched portrayed mainly sex trafficking, which is the most popular type of human trafficking. The majority of people that are subjected to trafficking are women or children. According to the US State Department, human trafficking is one of the biggest human rights problems of this century. The videos and film we watched showed how bad human trafficking really is, and what effects it has on people taken into the world of trafficking.

                I believe that human trafficking or slavery should never take place in any form. As human trafficking continues to become more popular, our world will need to take better precautions and come up with ideas to prevent it from occurring. Every human has their own rights, and under no circumstances should they be subject to being trafficked or a slave.

Women and Globalization

In recent years our world has become more globalized than ever before. So how does globalization affect women? As our world is becoming more globalized, women have received more rights and positive effects than they have previously had. However, they have also become subject to negative effects. Overall I think that globalization has affected women more positively than it has in a negative manner.

                Globalization has provided women with positive effects such as giving them better, higher-paying jobs, allowing them to take part in politics, as well as creating equal opportunities. Women today are a huge part of the world’s work industries, and bring in a large amount of the world’s income. With our world becoming more connected and advanced, women across the world are still receiving even more rights and being given the chance to pursue new fields in the work industry.

                However globalization has also affected women negatively. Examples would include discrimination and sex trafficking. Even with today’s society, women still see discrimination in certain jobs or matters. Globalization has greatly advanced our world, and this allows for bad things as well, such as trafficking. Sex trafficking women has become a huge deal across the world, and is one of the most popular illegal businesses that is performed.

                In the United States, women’s rights are nearly the same as men’s rights. However, in many other countries, men’s and women’s rights aren’t equal. As our world becomes more globalized, I think that this will change. Along with this, I believe that discrimination and trafficking will become less popular.

                Globalization plays a big role in affecting women and their rights. Overall, I think that globalization has affected women more positively than it has negatively by providing them with jobs and giving them equal opportunity. However, there are still some negative effects that are hard to avoid. Women’s rights have increased in many different areas since our world has become more globalized, and I think this will continue in the future.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Migration and Globalization

                We recently watched the film “God Grew Tired of Us.” This movie suggests that there are two types of migration. The first type would be migration by choice, just for a new lifestyle. The second type of migration is often forced or caused by push-pull factors. Migration is connected to globalization in that with migration, people from different parts of the world can interact through ideas, job markets, cultures, and ways of life.

                Migration affects the economy in positive and negative ways for both countries bringing in immigrants and countries sending people away. By opening up borders for people migrating, countries bringing in people must provide temporary work programs to help with skill shortages. This, however, could decrease domestic wages. It also allows for immigrants to work low paying jobs that many people don’t want to work. For sending countries it is beneficial because remittances are often sent back to migrators family’s in their home country. For example, in the film we watched, some of the boys sent money back to the village that they had previously lived in before migrating to the United States. Overall migration affects the economy more positively because it provides for jobs for minorities, and helps to provide workers for work shortages in certain fields.

                Migration affects culture by bringing new ideas and practices along with the immigrants to countries. Due to migration, cultures of different people or countries are often being mixed. Many people often migrate to countries such as the United States, Argentina, and Brazil, because the citizenship in these countries isn’t based on ethnic backgrounds. Therefore, culture in certain countries is a much more broad range of ideas than it is in others.

                Push and pull factors are a big part of migration. Push factors are the reasons that migrants are pushed out of their home country, whereas pull factors are the reasons people migrate or end up in a certain country. Push factors in the film we watched would include the civil war taking place, and a poor lifestyle. Bad conditions were the main reason that the lost boys were sent to America to start new lives. Pull factors for the boys would include the opportunities to get a job, have freedom, and live a much more positive lifestyle. Push-pull factors play a huge role in people immigrating to change their lifestyle for the better.

                Migration is often predicted to cause problems in the future. With more people migrating, there are better chances that diseases may spread, there will not be enough jobs to provide for everyone, and some countries or areas may overpopulate. With problems of mass migration already occurring in certain countries, new problems will soon arise such as illegal immigration. However, if we control migration to a certain point, countries should be able to overcome a few of these problems.

                Migration is a huge part of our world today, and will continue to be for years to come. Globalization links to migration by connecting people, new ideas, cultures, and ways of life. If migration continues at a steady pace, globalization will continue as well.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Globalization Pros and Cons

Last week in class we watched a couple of videos on globalization. It discussed both advantages and disadvantages that globalization brought to our world. I believe that globalization affects the world more positively than it does negatively. Globalization brings countries together and connects us in a variety of different ways, whether that may be through trade, marketing, technology, or any other matter.

Globalization influences trade in a positive manner because as countries across the world become more developed, they can process more goods and services to offer during trade. With more products being made and produced every day, countries can now trade as efficiently as anytime in previous years. Globalization is also leading to new ideas, therefore creating newer and more efficient products for trade.

Globalization helps out our world markets and economy in everyday situations. Globalization creates for more efficient markets. Because we buy so many products from other countries that make them cheaper, we can sell them at a lower price than if we were to make the product ourselves. Lower prices lead to an increase in demand, therefore helping out the economy. With many countries producing more products it also increases competition between markets. Competition causes companies to make more products as well as continuing to try to improve on their products. More products being created often leads to lower prices, which helps out the everyday consumer and the economy as well.

Perhaps the biggest part of globalization has come with technology. Technology has provided easier and faster ways of buying and selling products, communicating, and has also brought countries together across the world. With technology becoming more and more advanced, it allows people and businesses to produce products more efficiently than at any previous time. New technology and ideas being created has played a major part in the globalization process.

It is often argued whether globalization affects the world in a positive or negative way. However, at this point I think it helps us out in a good manner. If we continue to globalize, I think it will keep improving our world and continue to connect the people in a variety of ways.