Monday, October 6, 2014

Women and Globalization

In recent years our world has become more globalized than ever before. So how does globalization affect women? As our world is becoming more globalized, women have received more rights and positive effects than they have previously had. However, they have also become subject to negative effects. Overall I think that globalization has affected women more positively than it has in a negative manner.

                Globalization has provided women with positive effects such as giving them better, higher-paying jobs, allowing them to take part in politics, as well as creating equal opportunities. Women today are a huge part of the world’s work industries, and bring in a large amount of the world’s income. With our world becoming more connected and advanced, women across the world are still receiving even more rights and being given the chance to pursue new fields in the work industry.

                However globalization has also affected women negatively. Examples would include discrimination and sex trafficking. Even with today’s society, women still see discrimination in certain jobs or matters. Globalization has greatly advanced our world, and this allows for bad things as well, such as trafficking. Sex trafficking women has become a huge deal across the world, and is one of the most popular illegal businesses that is performed.

                In the United States, women’s rights are nearly the same as men’s rights. However, in many other countries, men’s and women’s rights aren’t equal. As our world becomes more globalized, I think that this will change. Along with this, I believe that discrimination and trafficking will become less popular.

                Globalization plays a big role in affecting women and their rights. Overall, I think that globalization has affected women more positively than it has negatively by providing them with jobs and giving them equal opportunity. However, there are still some negative effects that are hard to avoid. Women’s rights have increased in many different areas since our world has become more globalized, and I think this will continue in the future.


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