Monday, October 6, 2014

Human Trafficking

                We recently watched the film “Human Trafficking” along with some other shorts videos concerning trafficking. Human trafficking is the second most popular crime industry behind only illegal drugs. As human trafficking continues to become a bigger problem, more efforts need to be done to stop it.

                There is an estimated 20 to 30 million slaves in the world today. So why today in a society that we have so many freedoms are there more slaves in the world than ever before? Human trafficking is a huge business that brings in great money for anyone that can run one. Human trafficking is estimated to bring in about 30 billion dollars annually. Although there is a lot of trafficking taking place around the world, it is hard to stop these businesses because there is so many of them, and they have connections throughout the world.

                The films we watched portrayed mainly sex trafficking, which is the most popular type of human trafficking. The majority of people that are subjected to trafficking are women or children. According to the US State Department, human trafficking is one of the biggest human rights problems of this century. The videos and film we watched showed how bad human trafficking really is, and what effects it has on people taken into the world of trafficking.

                I believe that human trafficking or slavery should never take place in any form. As human trafficking continues to become more popular, our world will need to take better precautions and come up with ideas to prevent it from occurring. Every human has their own rights, and under no circumstances should they be subject to being trafficked or a slave.

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