Monday, October 13, 2014

Response to Sicko

                We recently watched the documentary “Sicko” in class. This film discusses health care systems and how they are managed across the world. The film also raises the question of what the ideal health care system is.

                Many countries across the world (including Britain, Cuba, and Canada) have a free health care system. All people in these systems receive treatment and cannot be turned health care treatment for any reason. This type of healthcare system is very beneficial to both the people and the country. People can receive medicine, medical equipment, and medical treatment for little and often no cost at all in free healthcare systems.

In the United States, however, our healthcare system is not free, and comes only at a high price. Not all people can receive treatment in our healthcare system for reasons such as they have a history of diseases, are too fat or skinny, or can’t afford it. I personally believe that this is wrong. No person should be denied medical treatment for any of these reasons. I think that our country should have a free healthcare system. Free health care has shown to be beneficial to other countries and people, so why shouldn’t we use the same system?

                Healthcare systems vary across the world. However, many systems have similarities and common methods. I think that a free healthcare system should be provided in the United States. Everyone should receive medical treatment if needed, and should not have to pay huge sums of money to receive treatment.

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